Wednesday, March 29, 2006

My friends and their hair.

Two people that I know have recently cut their hair. B. looks fantastic, sort of Angeline Jolie in Hackers. J's is shorter than it was, but the shave made a bigger difference than the hair. The hair cut was a gift for his wife (which she asked for), so he did it. So this got me thinking about my hair. It really needs to get cut. I've told my sister that I'll do it when I'm out there, and cutting it is related to a fitness goal. But the thing is, do I really want to cut it?
I should
ButI never do anything with it.
It's my only good feature.
But I never do anything with it.
It took a couple of years to get this long.
But I never do anything with it.
It would be expensive to keep it in style if it were short.
But I never do anything with it.
I don't have a very feminine face, short hair would make it worse.
But I don't don anything with it.

The weirdest part, that I've never been able to work out, is that I never have my hair...just there. Always always always a braid, or a bun, a barrette, SOMTHING. It is out when it is washed, and that is the only time it isn't in something. So in a way, I'd like to put off the getting rid of it all until I've managed to go an entire day and night with my hair just being hair. Although that may mean it would never be cut at all. Which would be stupid, having all that hair and never doing anything with it!


Bronwyn said...

I say chop it. DO IT!!!! I mean, really, you aren't using it.

LynnieC said...

The best thing I ever did for my hair was lose 8 inches of it. I've also heard that when you find yourself wearing your hair back more than down, it's time for a haircut. Just a thought.

Jason Doan said...

Ok, you went out of your way to say that B's looks fantastic but failed to comment on mine. Are you still undecided or was it some giant mistake for me to chop off that much hair in one shot? I think it looks OK, and it's been much easier to wash, but really this is one of those areas where I actually wouldn't mind a female perspective.

crazybarefeet said...

I suppose if I was being honest and even handed in my comments, I could have said that Handsome Rob from the games club cut his hair and it looks great...but then you'd know who Handsome Rob was, and one by one you'd have all the names worked out. And then where would I be?

Jason Doan said...

Nice, you're still avoiding comment. I'll assume that you dislike my new do for some reason :P

crazybarefeet said...

Jason Jason Jason - if I didn't like the cut - which I do! - I'd have to find a new nick name for you...which I haven't done. So here ya go:

Jason's hair looks great.

Jason Doan said...

I'm not retarded I was just playing along :P Although you really do have to explain that nickname to me.