Friday, March 24, 2006

How do you wear cereal?

I'm in the bathroom at work and two other women are having a conversation (sidenote: why do they do that? how can they do that? Do what you have to do, wash your hands and leave). I'm not really paying attention until I hear the following:

"ugh- is that dandruff?"
"no, it's cereal"

So...where might you have cereal that could be mistaken for dandruff? Or where to do you have dandruff that could be mistaken for cereal? And what cereal are you eating that looks like dandruff?

I think this is why eavesdropping is bad for you: I'm going to be thinking about this for days, now. I may never eat cereal again. And who takes people to task over dandruff anyway? I guess I should just be grateful that the bathroom eater is a guy, and consequently us womenfolk on this floor never have to deal with that. Although I'd like to know why he eats his lunch in the bathroom. Wacky world, eh?

1 comment:

Bronwyn said...

I occassionally wear popcorn in my bra... does that count?