Monday, March 13, 2006

I'm too risque for me.

I was thinking of posting a poem (of my own writing, that is). I have ten poems I've written over the past fifteen years that I still like. I've written many more, but they weren't worth saving. Some managed to hang on for months, even a year, but in the end they were trashed. So I looked at the ten, and all but one are not suitable for my blog. My poetry is not appropirate for...well, me, I guess. Weird. I had already noticed that I write far better when angst ridden than when happy. I have no jolly poems, despite being a disgustingly happy person. I guess bad poetry writing is my own form of therapy.

1 comment:

Caffeinated Canuck said...

You know, reading bad poetry can be therapeudic as well. Share the therapy!