Thursday, February 22, 2007

Three Times NOT a Lady

Do something once and it's an accident.
Twice and, well, that's a bit careless, yes?
Three times I"ll bet there is something sinister going on.

There I was, sitting in the hospital waiting room when a guy in a wheel chair arrives- Hockey accident, how very Canadian!- pushed by his wife. Moving him into the room she accidentally runs him into a wall. Screams of pain and an apology of "oops, I was going a bit fast there, wasn't I?". She turns the corner into the waiting room, and accidentally runs him into a chair. Another apology, and the rest of us are now watching. Sure enough, when it is his turn to go she manages to YET AGAIN bang his foot into a wall.

First time - accident. Second time, well, maybe still an accident but you'd think she would have learned by the agonized reaction of the first incident. Third time? Methinks the woman has an issue with her husband, hockey or both.

1 comment:

Bronwyn said...

I bet he left the toilet seat up.