Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The lottery is next. Statistical certainty.

Well maybe not the lottery, but something weird but nice, yes? I mean I can live with the cloud of weirdness that follows me around, I can cope with my son saying "you fainting in the kitchen wasn't a huge shock. Except for the sound you made hitting the floor", I understand my girl saying it is hard to decide what mom story is the funniest but all in all, statistically speaking something weird has to happen that is GOOD. Not something like phoning May-B for a ride to the hospital on family day (which makes her even more family that she already is). Not spending the whole afternoon there, and certainly not being on antibiotics for an infection that has gone from jaw to cheekbone (I never really gave it much thought but apparently bones can get infected). Also not getting a bill for almost four grand for work done on the street where I live. None of those things. Something cool. Magical. Wonderful. A lottery win would sufficient, as long as it was spectacular enough to match the spectacular weirdness that I live with.

I have stories from the ER to tell, but not until I can type with both hands. One hand has to hold the side of my face, the other has to type and all this has to go down while I rock back and forth on the computer chair. I now the answer to one mystifying question, though: what would I rather do over, delivering a baby or Monday/Tuesday thinking that surely death would be easier than whatever was going on. The former. I'd sooner be in labour than have this pain go on. The dentist said that two days on the glow-in-the-dark antibiotics for bones will ease the pain. It's been just over 24 hours.

On the plus side, I bet that my dentist has never had anyone react to his suggestion of needles and freeaing with "Oh God, please, yes please nownownownow". Sure made the guy in the next room look in to see what was going on! But that three hour block of freezing is the only bit of pain free time I've had since late Saturday. And what is today? Tuesday? Maybe Wednesday. Yeah, Wednesday because Monday was hospital, Tuesday was dentist.


Jason Doan said... gaming this week then? Or perhaps you will be better in time for Saturday?

crazybarefeet said...

My plan was to be better enough to go to work today. I have, after all, had seven of the antibiotics so I should be good for work. However...

Painkiller wore off enough that Iwoke up at four hurting. Didn't take another - because then I'd miss work for sure - and here I sit, staring at the bottle, wondering if there is any chance this will stop hurting on its own today.

DW: if you win the lottery, knowing someone - or knowing of someone - who won is enough of a good thing to balance out my own weirdness. Should you win, though, I'll be watching your game collection to see what you've added. C&C solid gold edition? Jewel encrusted titanium poker chips?

crazybarefeet said...

JD: No, no gaming for me tonight. Unless you count playing games in your head to help forget the pain.