Thursday, February 19, 2009

Vacation - The Why.

So, let’s start at the beginning. The whole reason for the trip is that I was a present for my sister. My incredibly adorable brother-in-law (actually, incredibly funny; I spent the majority of my time out there laughing my head off. If laughter burned as many calories as running, I’d be thin as a licorice whip) flew me out there so I got a free trip to BC as a result of his Christmas present to her.

When he first emailed me about it last fall, he told me his plan and then asked if that would interest me. I’ve been thinking on and off ever since if there would ever be a time when the answer to that would be “no”. All I could come up with would be if A) one of my babies was graduating at the same time, B) one of the Hingstons was getting married at the same time or C) I already had a ticket to somewhere bought and paid for. And even then, I’d probably try to cash it* in and take the free trip. I replied yes without thinking of saying anything else. Not even for a second did I contemplate the whole thing. I sent a yes before he sent me an email saying he had changed his mind, and then I spent months thinking about my upcoming treat.

The one truly weird thing about being a present was trying to believe that the addition of me would be an enjoyable thing for someone. That instead of inviting myself out there and people thinking “what, her AGAIN?” they wanted me to be there. Weird, but I’m willing to work on believing it.

*The "it" here being the ticket, not my babies or the weddings. Just in case you were worried.

1 comment:

The Blog Fodder said...

Welcome home. The girls said they saw you briefly on your holiday.
Glad you had a good time and that boy and dogs left the house in one piece for you.