Thursday, August 14, 2008

Fortune and Game

Not likely a fortune, actually. It just seemed like a good title. So I have a magic casino coin. Not like magic beans that you get to plant and grow a giant bean plant, but magic in the sense that it has been travelling around the house in a very mysterious manner.

Perhaps, though, the most mysterious thing about it is that I have it at all. It arrived in the mail the year the casino was built. Came with a flashy pamphlet suggesting that the best way to plan for retirement was to blow every penny I had or could embezzle at the dazzling new casiono.

Back to the story:

I was cleaning out the junk drawer in my dresser (only six drawers in that thing: one is for junk, four are for lingerie and one is for actual clothing. I don't think that is what a dresser is meant to be) and found a five dollar chip from Casino Regina. I tidied the whole drawer and, I think, left the coin there.

Jump forward a few years and I'm cleaning out the junk drawer in the kitchen when lo and behold the coin appears. Again. So I leave it, I'm pretty sure, in the newly tidied drawer.

Jump to yesterday when I honestly couldn't mow the lawn (too much rain) but I decided - no, I don't know why - that I couldn't live with myself if I didn't do some chore, however small. So I decided to clean out the junk drawer in the bathroom. Oh, come on. You don't have a junk drawer in your house? Liar.

Anyway...yup, there in the drawer was the bloody chip again. The chip I was fairly certain I'd left in the kitchen drawer. Clearly, I'm meant to spend the chip. But parking is two bucks, so I really only have three free dollars. What do y'all think I should do?

1 comment:

The Blog Fodder said...

Maybe if you cleaned out ALL the junk drawers at the same time, you would find several coins and could go and win your early retirement?
You live in luxury with several junk drawers. I only have my desk drawers for stuff like that.