Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Can't Change Horses in the Middle of a Stream

You can, of course. But you're limited. F'rinstance, what if you have kids, a mortgage and bills and stuff and a job that may not pay a great deal but does pay and does have benefits? Not so easy then, is it, to up stakes and start all over again? At something completely different from what one is doing.

I've read that one thing you can do is part-time volunteer at something to get some experience, and then try for an actual paying job at it. Wouldn't that be awesome if what you wanted to be was a surgeon? Hey, let me operate...just a little...just to learn how.

There are things one could learn by doing but apparently not here, and not now. Beekeeper? Dairy farm worker? Not going to happen. So I'll wait until I'm retired and then have many bees, a donkey or two, a dairy cow and a draft horse of some description. None of which I'll know how to look after, of course. I'd be better off trying to learn how to do brain surgery.


Anonymous said...

Change is difficult, but worth it, I think, as it forces you to try different things.

Sometimes it takes a lot of planning to be able to make a change, but it doesn't mean it isn't possible.

Kinda like the whole "letting" someone impact you, thinking you have no option to change is more about your state of mind and about you than about anything else.

The Blog Fodder said...

A bacteria is floating along in the arterial system of a Thoroughbred. It sees a small vein branching off and ducks into it. A white blood cell promptly eats it. Moral: Never change streams in mid horse.

Anonymous said...

Life is an uphill struggle til you reach the top, where you are lulled into a false sense of security, right before you fall off the other side.