Tuesday, December 12, 2006

By the Power Invested in Me...

Lots of wedding stuff to tell, but today’s entry will be on the almost boo-boo. My son did a reading at the wedding, and he was practicing the night before. Or rather earlier in the morning, as it was after midnight. The lateness of the hour is one of the two excuses I am using for what I did. He read the whole thing, and then asked “what do I say at the end again – this is the word of the Lord, or the word of God?” I told him they were both wrong, he was supposed to say “so say I”.

I’m actually at the wedding, mere moments before he reads when it occurs to me that I hadn’t set him straight. I meant to, but the getting ready situation was hectic, and I forgot. So while I was impressed with how well he read, my pleasure was tempered with worry that he would indeed end it with "so say I". Happily (does my own son not trust me?), he thought to ask the minister before the ceremony started. Seems he felt "so say I" was iffy. Phew. Because that would have upset my sister. But it would have been funny, yes?

1 comment:

Bronwyn said...

That would have been awesome. Don't worry, he can do that at my wedding.