Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Beautiful but Naked

I have a Christmas tree. A beautiful Christmas tree. Tall, full and then most beautiful deep green you could ever imagine. But....

It has nothing on it. It's naked as a Jay bird. In a series of inexplicable incidences that may or may not have involved elves, the box of decorationsfor the tree has gone missing. Now, the lights gone? No problem - cheap to replace and we've decided to use the ones that normally go on the outside tree to save even that little expense. The incredible sadness here is the ornaments. Each year we choose a new one to add to the collection, and we remember where and when we got most of them. There were a bunch that I got from when I taught pre-school, a bunch of home made ornaments - you know the kind, pictures with macaroni frames? - lots of oraments from friends, all with special meaning to us. I don't mind losing some of the glitter and if the lights needed to disappear, well, fine. But can I have the ornaments back?

1 comment:

Bronwyn said...

Oh no!!! All your lovely (I'm assuming they are lovely) tree ornaments.

We have 15 boxes of Christmas things and can't find our tree skirt. Maybe there is a theif?