Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's all in the timing.

I've been meaning to buy some decent shoes for walking and running. Normally I workout/jog barefoot, and if I'm working out outside (during the few months I am willing to do that)I wear cheap shoes from Wal-mart.

Now that I'm an aunt, though, and an aunt that will be visiting her niece and nephew for two whole weeks in the near future I decided I should buy some proper shoes. I remember from my own babies how much walking with a stroller I did and I intend to do the same with these new family memebers.

I went to Sportchek and bought some real people shoes. Had to buy something to make them fit (kids shoes fit, but aren't cushioned for grown-ups), which added to the expense of course. Nevertheless, I was happy to have spent the money, because everyone knows it is bad for your feet and knees to run barefoot. Right? RIGHT?

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