Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I suspect I'm not enough of a girlie girl.

Because there is no way on earth I could run from a murderer with these stupid shoes. I can only just manage to walk in them. Why, you may ask, am I wearing stupid shoes? (At least the guys are, the women probably not). Because I couldn't find my regular work shoes for wearing with clothes in the green/brown/beige spectrum. Black shoes, yes. For the blue/black part of the wardrobe. But not brown ones. And no boots to be found either. What I could find was one beige shoe that is sort of a dome shoe, and a pair of totally cool but totally dome shoes. So I put 'em on. And I don't even work in the building with the shoe fetishist guy*. So all I have is footwear that guarantees that I'd be the first person caught if there was like, a bear or something roaming the building. Bugger.

* Yes, he was. I felt a little bit sorry for him, actually. Until he blurted out that he likes looking and holding women's shoes. He didn't say anything about wearing them, but maybe he does that too. The whole confession was a little bit creepy, but it did explain why he never ever looked at anything but people's feet. Made for interesting elevator rides. He would have loved these shoes.

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