Monday, November 27, 2006

Just Another Manic Monday

Where am I? At home. Why? Because I have the kind of cold that makes you alternate between curled up in a ball of misery in bed and floating in a death-like stupor in the bath. Why is this awful? Because there is stuff I have to do today - and it won't get done, so tomorrow I'll have to be brilliant and efficient. One or the other I could have mastered, but both? We'll see.

(If you're wondering why I am even posting, instead of sleeping it is because there are problems with getting the kids from my dads to their other grandparents. They did get to Victoria safely, but the remainder of the trip didn't happen due to bad weather, and I am supposed to talk to them at eight this morning to try to work something else out. Which means ten o'clock here, I think. Because admittedly my brain is not up to par).

PS: thinking of changing the blog name. I love it, love how it sounds, love what it means but it's a bugger to tell people, and impossible for them to remember how it is spelled.

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