Thursday, November 23, 2006

Blink, Damn you!

I spent part of this afternoon in a presentation – a presentation that humoured me, although that was not the intent. Here are some of the things I learned today:

If your eyes are too dry…blink more.

Surgery for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is pretty serious, so a much better choice is to not get it at all. (Hmm. It’s a choice? Is there a point at which you think to yourself “what should I do – change how I work, or get CTS? Think I’ll go with the latter”? Does that work for other things? “Chemotherapy is pretty serious, so it would be better not to get cancer in the first place”).

If you need bifocals to see with don’t use them when you’re looking at the computer screen.

Arrange to have a pregnant video display policy. Now that one was just silly. Yes, I know she meant policy for people who are pregnant who use computers for long hours, but that is not what she said. So I laughed. By myself, apparently no one else found it funny. But it was a thick crowd; no one laughed when someone asked if was safe to sit on large balls. And again yes, I know what they meant, but it was still funny!

Drink lots of water. Not, as you may be thinking, because your body needs water, but because “the more you drink the more you pee, and then you HAVE to get up”.

Totally profitable afternoon. I guess I am grateful that I didn’t have to pay for attending. (Interestingly enough, she started the whole thing off with “apparently I’m qualified for this because I took a course on the internet. Whatever”. Should have guessed RIGHT THERE that it was going to be a roller coaster of fun!

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