Thursday, April 13, 2006

Mind Surfing

As I sit here at work, no work in sight (see previous job related posts), I find myself thinking strange things:

1. If every one could read everyone else's mind, it would eventually mean the end of mankind. Lots of murders, and in the end no one would ever manage to be in a relationship long enough to have kids. In time we as a people would just die out. Those who hadn't been killed, or who weren't driven to suicide from having to listen to the thoughts of others that is.

2. Would bathing in chocolate be a good idea, or a bad one? So many things to think about here. How hot would it need to be to be comfortable? Straight chocolate, or chocolate melted with cream? (This whole thing occurred to me as I was stirring shaved dark chocolate into hot cream to make ganache). Milk chocolate? Dark? How big is the bathtub, how much chocolate would you need? How would you keep it warm? Wouldn't your hair get all gross and sticky? Would there be any benefit at all beyond the possibility that it might feel really cool? ( In the hip sense of the word, not the temperature sense). Good for your skin, or just fun?

3. If I were to keep track of how far I trudge/jog/walk on the treadmill, how long would it take me to cross the province? The country? How about the world? How many kilometres around is the earth at the equator?

4. If I could rob a bank with a guarantee that I would never be caught, would I do it? Or would the intrinsic wrongness of it hold me back?

5. If voodoo worked, who would I make a doll of just for the humour of making them walk funny?

6. I have friends, and in their family there are three sisters. Why are all three of them good looking? I mean, that doesn't seem statistically correct. Or fair, really. Maybe it would make sense if your parents are supermodels, or something, but in everyday life, how often does this happen?

7. Is the above influenced by being the homely one in a family of beauties? Oops, sorry, not homely, apparently plain would be a better choice of words. According to a friend. Ah, the honesty of friends, there's nothing like it!

8. What is the point of coming up with some clever bon mot if no one gets it?

9. Why can't I wear my hair as just plain hair?

10. What would you rather do, fly like a bird or swim like a dolphin?

11. If you could have one magic power, what would it be?


Jason Doan said...

1. True, although I would like the ability to read peoples minds in certain circumstances. Discussions with my boss and poker tournaments come to mind immediately.


3. 40,075.02 km

4. My guess is the intrinsic wrongness would hold you back.

5. ickythickears

6. All of my parents children are breathtakingly gorgeous.

7. Yes sometimes friends do say the dumbest things.

8. You of course get the smug satisfaction of realizing that you are in fact the wittiest person you know.

9. I have no idea. Have you tried? I know mine used to annoy me a lot by blowing in my face while I was driving.

10. Fly like a bird, I'd use this ability to fly higher than the other birds so I could crap on them in retaliation for the multiple times it's happened to me.

11. The ability to open my wallet and always find money in it.

Jason Doan said...

Wait...were some if not all of those supposed to be rhetorical?

Jason Doan said...

Spambots are cool!