Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Define your ideal job

Hmm. I already get paid for reading stuff, but then I have to photocopy stuff sometimes too. And except for birthdays, there is very little baking. And never breakfast baking.

The thing is, I love making breakfast. And/or brunch. Or breakfast that you eat at supper. Which means my kids think that the normal alternative to breakfast cereal is...French omelettes. American omelettes with mushrooms and cheese and stuff. Crepes with fresh fruit. Pastry. Pancakes. Blueberry pancakes. Pain perdu. Eggs Benny. Ok, to be fair that last one has never happened on a school day. But the rest, yup, because they are they only ones around at breakfast.

Now, if I could start work by making breakfast here for people to eat...and then lunch, and then make something that people can take home in individual portions for supper. And maybe pastry and stuff for tea break well then holy hot chocolate batman I'd be the person with the bestest job ever. Ooh, and I could make tea, and coffee and iced coffee and maybe lemonade and...and...and

And this job will never happen. I remember dreaming once that I worked at some giant ranch. Was it a dream filled with hot cowboy naughtiness? Nope, it was a dream filled with making breakfast for fifteen people who were happy to eat, and who needed to stock up for a day's work. It was a sad sad thing when I woke up and realized I'd dreamed the whole thing.


Jason Doan said...

I saw a news story a couple of weeks ago about a couple of women in Winnipeg who started a business where they make suppers. You just stop by the store on the way home where they've been cooking all afternoon and they have complete meals all packaged and ready to take home...no prep work, no dirtying every dish in the kitchen and all actual food made from actual ingredients instead of the supermarket packaged meals developted in some lab somewhere.

The Blog Fodder said...

Did you ever consider applying for a job at a camp - mining, construction, pipeline, whatever. They also have, I understand, large numbers of men. Who enjoy good food. And who bitch about food if it isn't top class.