Tuesday, May 12, 2009

But I want to eat it NOW

The problem with making a cake that will take four days from to finish is that...you don't get to eat said cake for days on end. And it won't be ready on a work day, which means I'll have to find somewhere else to take it to save my little family from eating it all ourselves.

Why, you wonder, would I make a cake that I was worried I'd have to eat? There is a totally logical reason: I am working on a new cake to add to the menu. This may take any number of tries - although the flavour for the wedding cake layer three was ahit on the first out of four ideas I had, so one never knows.

Anyway...there are three of us in the family. There may be any number of large cakes made until I'm happy. Three people + six cakes= two whole cakes each. And whislt one of us is as thin as a rake, the other two are shrinking, albeit slowly. Throw some cakes into that and the shrinking would turn to expanding in a hurry.


Bronwyn said...

How on earth would a 4 day cake be a good idea? The time alone would be a huge strain.

crazybarefeet said...

There is a resting time when you chill it and don't even peek at the magic that is happening. That's the plan, at any rate. We'll see.