Monday, March 19, 2007

Walking Excitement

Hmmm. That sounds like an ad for either a porn flick or an action movie. (Shouldn't they both be considered action movies?), but it isn't. It is about walking the dog.

I admit my dog needs to go to obedience school, and perhaps this summer she will. In the meantime, our walks tend to have moments of great excitement: other dogs, children with footballs, shrubs. The usual dog stuff. Yesterday, however, we upped the excitement level in a messy episode that brought me to my knees. And dragged me for a bit, too, as it happens. Today is garbage day>last night a lot of bins were already on the curb>some people overfill their bins>it was a very windy night> bins got knocked over>we came across a container on its side, garbage everywhere. And in that garbage, to the howling delight of the dog was a dirty diaper. Lexi?
Joy! Happiness - look, poopy mess, right here in the open. I'm going to grab it and I'll have so much fun and if you think THAT'S going to stop me you're so wrong because I'll just DRAG you to it and we'll both have fun and oh this is the best day of my life ever!

Me? I think if we'd found a sack of money I would have been almost as happy as she was over poop. Almost.

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