Thursday, April 15, 2010

No sugar tonight in my coffee

No sugar tonight in my tea. Or tomorrow, or the day after or the day after that. I've become so used to eating a healthy balanced diet- 12 weeks as of the 12th of April! - that I need a new challenge. I went an entire year with sugarless tea. I didn't enjoy it as much as sweetened tea, but when I went back to sugar in my tea I used a lot less, so it was a good plan.

Now, however, there is a lot less sugar in my diet overall so I don't think it will be as difficult an adjustment as it was the first time. We'll see in a few weeks: today is my first day of unsweetened tea. And if you were going to suggest artificial sweetener that's ok, I've already tried them all.I can always taste the chemical aftertaste with them. Better to have nothing than a cup of bitter metal tasting ickyness.

1 comment:

The Blog Fodder said...

Tea does taste better with some sugar I will admit, though I rarely use it. Coffee with sugar is just plain wrong. Coffee with anything except coffee is just plain wrong.

According to a Peruvian friend of mine, coffee should be:
Black as night
Hot as hell
Bitter as marriage