Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A job well done.

Given yesterday morning's bathroom disaster, I was not surprised to see plumbers arrive to fix things. What did surprise me was hearing the one guy on his cell phone talkeing to...his boss? Maybe. Or maybe a supply place. I was surprised because he is a plumber, apparently, and yet this is what was heard:

"yeah, we don't have the part. Well...kinda bent. And it has these squiggly things at the end".

Now, if this was me, fair enough. I'm not a plumber. I just feel that if this is your job you have more words in your part vocabulary that "squiggly things".


The Blog Fodder said...

Squiggly things is a highly technical plumbing term. So there.

Anonymous said...

I'm beginning to suspect that my husband is moonlighting as a plumber.