Thursday, June 12, 2008


I...I think I need help. I started work really early this morning so I could leave really early. Mere minutes ago I actually thought this thought:

"Hey...if I'm quick, I'll even have time to mop the kitchen floor. And get the counters clean!"

Even worse? I thoughtit with the small thrill of excitement that would normally accompany something like "hey...I've got all of tomorrow off and a date to look forward to!"

I was that thrilled. Over floor mopping. Ack.

1 comment:

The Blog Fodder said...

We all get excited over the funniest things sometimes. The other day I got the big kitchen knife razor sharp using a hand grindstone. Firt time ever. Or buying a new hoe (no jokes please) and wanting to rush home and try it out. Humans are strange critters.