Monday, May 08, 2006

"All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware." -Martin Buber

After months of not going anywhere, things are shaping up. On the May long weekend we (as in A. M. and I) are going to Edmonton for a wedding. This will be the first long trip I’ve done with my kids on my own since…well, since ever. Even for the trips to Cypress Hills and Madge Lake I had my sister with me. So – off on adventure for the three of us – all for one and one for all!

June sees me heading west again, but sans enfants. I am going to BC to visit my dad (in Sidney) and my sister (in Victoria). I am flying into Vancouver and taking the ferry to Sidney. A bit more complicated, but I love taking that route. I’ve met some interesting people and had some interesting adventures going from Vancouver to Schwartz Bay. Gone from a Saturday until the following Wednesday. I’m going to pack as many things into that time frame as I can. Suggestions welcome!

July will see the three of us in Cypress hills for a family reunion, and beyond that…who knows? Perhaps there is indeed a secret destination that I am unaware of. Life is sweet.

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