Thursday, December 18, 2008

Better than

You know what is the upside of the car accident I had just before Christmas a few years ago? The accident that put an end to half of my Christmas baking and made the childless holiday even worse than usual? You don't know? Well, I'll tell you: it is that when you have butter tart disaster that means tossing out a dozen tarts, and a dog tripping incident that ends up in pain and blood (mine, not the dog's so relax) but no actual stitches or anything, it doesn't seem so bad.

I mean, yeah, now I'll have to make yet more tarts. And yes, I'm walking with a limp that I am trying to think of as intersting instead of feeble but all in all so what? Not in hospital, I have time to make more tarts and I'm not running in any races this week. As far as I know. So even if it is a bit frustrating it is still better than the year of the crash, as I think of it.

And this is a great year so far; kids are with me, we have lots of lovely white snow, the tree looks awesome and smells fantastic and I get to play Christmas music without any complaints about it being out of season. Heaven help us if Lyn and I ever live together it would be carols year round. And we'd be round because I'd be baking tarts and cakes year round to go with the music.


LynnieC said...

Seriously. Year-round carols. I started in August this year. Not constantly since then, but probably once every week or so. Christmas music helps me study.

The Blog Fodder said...

What is a butter tart disaster? There are a few things that even when they are bad are pretty good. Can you save it by pouring the hot stuff over icecream as a sauce or something?

crazybarefeet said...

A tray of tarts ended up in a pile of filling, pastry, glass and shards of pottery. And whilst there may be people in this world that would benefit from a meal of glass, I'd be caught, I'm pretty sure. So into the garbage. The ones that were wrecked coming out of the pan (I only made four dozen, and 14 didn't work compared to the 10+ dozen the week before that were flawless) disappeared the instant I said within A.'s hearing "well, these are just too messy to sell".

Wish I could email some mincemeat tarts!

The Blog Fodder said...

Thanks. And some of that wonderful marmalade while you are at it. and some non-glass butter tarts too. Better yet, just come and visit and bake them here.

Anonymous said...

I actually REMEMBER the dog tripping incident of 2007! Man, how long has it been since I was here!? Scarey. I'll will make it a POINT to start coming back again! Honest. It's for my own good.